NDIS Hobart

"We currently have no in-person capacity in this area, however if you fill in our enquiry form you'll be added to our telehealth waiting list."

NDIS Brisbane.png

The National Disability Insurance Scheme or the NDIS Hobart has completed its rollout in Tasmania since it began the process on July 1st, 2019. The NDIS is now available in Hobart and it aims to give much-needed support for residents living with a permanent and significant disability.

With the continuing rollout of the NDIS throughout all the states and territories of Australia, residents can receive benefits to help improve their daily lives. In Tasmania alone, the latest data indicated that over 8,000 people have received benefits from the NDIS. Over 4,000 of these participants have reported having received such benefits for the first time.

What is NDIS Hobart?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, or better known as the NDIS, is a scheme developed by the Australian Government to help Australian citizens and/or residents with a permanent and significant disability achieve a better quality of life.

This is achieved by giving eligible people with an intellectual, cognitive, physical, sensory, and psychosocial disability the support and services available in their area. This will help the NDIS Hobart Participant meet their unique needs and achieve their personal goals.

The NDIS is administered by the National Disability Insurance Agency or the NDIA. Unlike a welfare system, the NDIS collaborates with its participants to figure out the best ways to address and care for their disability-related needs.

What types of supports does NDIS Hobart provide?

The NDIS has a large group of individuals that they help and support. Its NDIS Hobart Participants are made up of a diverse set of people with different needs and goals in life, especially when taking into account the different disabilities they have. With that in mind, the NDIS has focused its resources on helping its participants develop a customised treatment plan called an NDIS Plan.

This NDIS Plan will use a holistic approach as it addresses the needs, goals, and plans of the NDIS Participant. A participant will collaborate with NDIS Officers into developing their NDIS Plan where they will comprehensively lay out their plan of action to help the participant meet their needs and achieve their goals.

The participant will also include the different types of support and services will receive that they think will help with seeing to the success of their plan. The different support and services will be included in the NDIS Plan in the form of registered NDIS Hobart Providers, qualified professionals approved by the NDIS to give treatment, support, services, etc. to participants.

Registered NDIS Hobart Providers are highly trained and qualified professionals that can a group, an individual, or an organisation. They are tasked to help improve the NDIS Participant’s quality of life and to help alleviate the daily challenges that are brought by the participant’s disability.

Each region or territory where the NDIS is available in Australia has its database of registered NDIS Providers. NDIS Participants in Hobart can pick and choose registered NDIS Hobart Providers that are available in their area to help with their disability needs.

Types of Support Budgets

To determine the different types of support or services that the NDIS can receive, the NDIS has developed different types of support budget. Each support budget is devised to fund different types of support or services that are laid out in a participant’s NDIS Plan. The different support budgets are further divided into categories to specify what kinds of support or services the NDIS Hobart Participant will be able to receive.

Core Support Budget

The Core Support Budget is meant to fund NDIS Plans that are focused on improving the everyday experience of the NDIS Participant. In this support budget, funding is used to support daily activities, daily disability-needs, and help achieve the goals of participants. The Core Support Budget is the most flexible support budget that NDIS Hobart Participants can have where they can move their funding across all four of its categories. The four categories of Core Support Budget are:

  1. Assistance with Daily Living;

  2. Consumables;

  3. Assistance with Social & Community Participation; and

  4. Transport.

Capacity Building Support Budget

The Capacity Building Support Budget is meant to fund NDIS Plans of participants that are developed to help achieve long-term goals, build skills, and eventually help the NDIS Hobart Participants gain independence. Unlike the Core Support Budget, participants who are using the Capacity Building Support Budget cannot move their funding across its different nine categories. The nine categories of Capacity Building Support Budget are:

  1. Support Coordination;

  2. Improved Living Arrangements;

  3. Increased Social & Community Participation;

  4. Finding & Keeping a Job;

  5. Improved Relationships;

  6. Improved Health & Wellbeing;

  7. Improved Learning;

  8. Improved Life Choices; and

  9. Improved Daily Living.

Capital Support Budget

The Capital Support Budge is meant to fund NDIS Plans that are focused on gaining the participant much-needed one-off purchases that would help improve daily living. This can be a higher-cost one-off purchase that includes assistive technology, equipment, and modifications. The funding from the Capital Support Budget must only be used for its intended purpose. The two categories of Capital Support Budget are:

  1. Assistive Technology; and

  2. Home Modifications.

How to become an NDIS Participant

NDIS's main goal is to provide the best possible support to Australian citizens and residents living with a permanent and significant disability. Over 4.3 million Australian residents are living with a disability, many of whom have never received much-needed support for their disability needs. Hobart is among the latest places where the NDIS has rolled out and made its services available for its residents with a disability.

However, now everyone with a disability can become an NDIS Hobart Participant. The NDIS is set on giving its support to people with a permanent and significant disability. Eligible people who can apply for the NDIS and become an NDIS Participant to receive support should have a disability that makes living daily life as normally as possible a challenge.

To make things simpler, the NDIS has put forth an eligibility checklist for applicants to see if they passed the criteria to become an NDIS Hobart Participant.

  • Must be between the ages of 7 and 64 years old;

  • Must be living in Australia and is an Australian citizen, Permanent Visa holder, or Special Category Visa holder;

  • Must need support from another person because of a permanent and significant disability;

  • Must use special equipment because of a permanent and significant disability; and

  • Must need current support to reduce needs in the future.

NDIS Hobart Applicants must have the first two criteria on the list above apply to their life as well as one of the last three criteria. People who are not eligible for the NDIS but still need some support for their disability can cheque out other programmes by the Australian Government that may be more suited for their situation.

If you are someone who passed the eligibility checklist above, you can become an NDIS Participant and receive proper support to help with your disability needs. If you are living in Hobart and are eligible, you can apply to become an NDIS Participant by calling the NDIA Office at 1800 800 110 to make a Verbal Access Request.

This will start your journey into becoming an NDIS Hobart Participant, developing an NDIS Plan, and receiving support that best addresses your disability needs and help reach your goals.

NDIS Services for Australian cities:

NDIS Adelaide

NDIS Brisbane

NDIS Cairns

NDIS Canberra

NDIS Darwin

NDIS Gold Coast

NDIS Hobart

NDIS Ipswich

NDIS Newcastle

NDIS Townsville

NDIS Sunshine Coast

NDIS Sydney