NDIS Mackay
"We currently have no in-person capacity in this area, however if you fill in our enquiry form you'll be added to our telehealth waiting list."
Individuals suffering from permanent and significant disabilities usually experience difficulties such as performing simple daily tasks, learning essential skills, and acquiring the necessary tools and products to manage and improve their unique condition. Since having a health-related issue can hinder productivity and independence, it is essential to help persons with disabilities acquire professional assistance to prevent their health condition from getting worse. As a result, the Australian Government has established the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to support thousands of Australians with disabilities. Through the NDIS, the citizens and residents of Mackay who are eligible for NDIS funding can finally acquire the support they need.
In 2016, NDIS started to be implemented in Queensland and was fully rolled out on November 1 of the same year. The NDIS aims to support individuals with permanent and significant disabilities, their families, and carers by providing funding and necessary support to improve their health condition, as well as the quality of their life. In addition, the NDIS has also set eligibility criteria to make sure that the NDIS plan is fair and reasonable. The citizens and residents of Mackay are encouraged to get in touch with Positive Moods, a registered NDIS service provider, to get assistance on the NDIS support.
What is the NDIS?
The Australian Government established the NDIS to provide support to Australians suffering from permanent and significant disabilities. The support provided to clients is based on their current health situation. The NDIS has been proven beneficial with over 500,000 (and counting) Australians who have availed of the NDIS plan. However, the NDIS supports and services are granted only to eligible individuals. Eligible children below seven years old are offered the Early Intervention Programs. In this way, the NDIS funding can be made sure to be granted to those who require support.
What are the Types of Support Budgets provided by the NDIS?
The support provided by the NDIS allows eligible participants to customise their NDIS plan based on their specific needs, goals, and unique condition. Also, to ensure that the participants are getting adequate and reasonable support. Positive Moods have highly-trained and registered healthcare professionals who have experienced in handling individuals with a disability.
To acquire the NDIS in Mackay, the citizens and residents should first apply for NDIS funding and wait for the approval. Eligible NDIS participants will work with their local NDIA office and with Positive Moods. Nonetheless, even though the funding is granted to eligible participants, there are specific types of support that NDIS provides, and other supports are not be covered such as:
Requesting support that is not relevant to the participant’s disability
Shouldering the responsibility of previous community service or other government systems
Funding the daily living costs that are not suited in the participants needed support
Granting services or supports that can harm the lives of the participants and others
There are three types of support budgets that NDIS offers. Each support is designed differently to suit the individual needs, goals, and unique conditions of eligible participants. The following are the types of support budget that NDIS offer which include:
Core Support Budget
This support is created to provide funding to the participant's daily needs, which can help ease the impact of their disability. Through the Core Support Budget, the eligible participants will have a better quality of life and will be assisted to achieve their goals. Moreover, the Core Support Budget is the most flexible of all types of support. It allows the participants to reallocate their budget on other categories besides the category they previously acquired. The categories offered under this support include:
Assistance with Daily Activities
Assistance with Social and Community Participation
Capacity Building Budget
The Capacity Building Budget requires eligible participants to allocate their NDIS funding to individual support suited to their specific needs and preferred category of supports. This type of support budget is non-flexible support, aiming to help the eligible participants enhance independence, perform daily activities, and assist them with their long-term goals. The following categories under this support include:
Choice and Control
Improve Daily Activity
Acquiring Employment and Sustaining Job
Improve Health and Wellbeing
Improve Home Living
Improve Learning
Improve Relationship
Improve Social and Community Participation
Support Coordination (if required). This category is also included in the Capacity Building support, providing a fixed amount to strengthen the participant's capacity to adapt and assist them to partake in the community.
Capital Support Budget
The Capital Support Budget is the type of support that assists in acquiring necessary tools and equipment that can help with the participant's unique condition. This support involves assistive technology such as wheelchairs, communication aids, or administer home modifications to improve accommodation by installing equipment to promote mobility. However, the funding cannot be reallocated for other needs and requires to acquire the specified tool or equipment including:
Assistive Technology. These are equipment products that can help improve mobility and independence, as well as enhance communication. Some examples are wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, or vehicle modifications.
Home Modifications. This concerns funding on essential products to be installed in the participant's home that suits their needs such as ramps, grab bars, chair lifts, bathroom rails, and alarm systems.
Who are eligible for NDIS funding?
Despite the benefits NDIS Mackay offers, the citizens and residents of Mackay should understand that NDIS aims to provide funding to those who need professional assistance. That's why NDIS has created criteria for eligibility to determine if an individual is eligible for NDIS funding, which includes:
Age between 7 and 65 years old
Residents and citizens of Australia
Permanent visa holders
Protected Special Category Visa holders
Needs support from other individuals due to a permanent and significant disability
Uses special equipment due to a permanent and significant disability
Requires assistance now to reduce the demands in the future
For more details on NDIS Mackay, citizens and residents of Mackay who wish to acquire the supports provided by the NDIS, may call Positive Moods on 1300 001 470, email at ndis@positivemoods.com.au, or fill out the contact form on https://www.positivemoods.com.au/contactus.