NDIS Counselling Adelaide

NDIS Counsellor Adelaide

Everyone encounters problems in their lives but there are some instances when these problems can cause drastic changes to the way we live, creating a huge impact on our mental well-being. In these difficult times, the best solution would be to seek emotional help through counselling. Counselling is a therapeutic approach, where the patient’s mental barriers are confidentially discussed in a safe environment, guided by a professional psychologist or counsellor. Through effective and regular counselling, the patient can learn to positively tackle their mental health issues and improve their overall wellbeing.

However, where does one start with counselling? For residents in Adelaide, the answer is Positive Moods; a nationally certified and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) registered team of counsellors. Positive Moods counsellors in Adelaide can offer clients a wide variety of treatment and services that are centred to their personal needs. With proper counselling and networks of support, our team can help persons get back on track in their life.

Counselling: The First Step to Recovery

Emotional and mental problems can cause a significant impact on the daily life of a person. That is why counselling is an effective method to slowly understand the roots of these problems and eventually find the right kind of tools to solve them. Counselling offered by Positive Moods is highly beneficial because it is aimed towards a specialised treatment that is within the full control of the patient. With regular sessions, counselling can help the patient with the following:

Receiving accurate diagnosis

Our counsellors and psychologists will be capable of determining the mental health conditions or psychosocial disabilities of the patient. Using evaluation tools, the patient will be given a treatment plan according to their specific needs and the severity of their situation. Counsellors and psychologists will also be tasked to monitor the progress of the patient based on the treatment plan and make necessary adjustments to facilitate improvement.

Understanding short- and long-term goals

Treatment begins with the patient sharing their aspirations and goals in life, which helps our counsellors tailor the plan according to what the patients hope to achieve during and after their recovery. Setting these milestones is also a helpful way of tracking progress and celebrating the accomplishments that the patients make.

Developing skills and tools for coping

Counselling offers resources and tools that can help individuals manage their emotions effectively and better handle stressful and/or upsetting circumstances. Coping mechanisms and education about mental health are taught to strengthen their skills in understanding themselves, communicating clearly, and becoming more independent. Additionally, Positive moods also help patients in connecting to their social groups so that they may find various sources of encouragement. These skills are useful in ensuring mental well-being and reducing the risks and/or impacts of depression, anxiety and other mental disorders.

Accepting and making life changes

Counselling can help the patient through a transformative time in their lives. Apart from helping overcome their mental obstacles, counselling can also assist the patient in making necessary adjustments that can promote positivity and happiness. This may include coordinating with support networks, such as the patient’s community, healthcare providers and other healthcare agencies, that can provide assistance and encouragement as the patient’s journey to recovery.

Safekeeping the patient’s information

Counsellors in Positive Moods are NDIS-registered and professionally trained to receive intimate and personal details of the patient’s life for the sole purpose of helping them. Under the restrictions of the law, they are obliged to keep all information disclosed and confidential. Everything that goes on during the therapy sessions is to remain between the counsellor and the patient unless the patient expresses consent for the discourse to be shared.

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Choosing NDIS Counselling Adelaide

Counselling and psychology services are better accessed through NDIS because it will ensure that the patients receive individualised funding according to their needs. Under this individualised funding, persons in Adelaide can decide which healthcare agencies and organisations are best suited to accommodate their condition.

In the past, people had to accept funding regardless of whether the supports were essential to them or not. With this renewed system of individualised funding, the patients and their families do not need to worry about financial matters; instead, they can fully focus on recovering and achieving their goals.

The advantage of being a participant under NDIS in Adelaide is that the funds in your plan are flexible. The funds, which are solely directed for treatment, can be adjusted according to how the patient wants to spend them. However, it must be remembered that claiming reimbursements from other private health insurance agencies or government departments is prohibited. The health support listed on the patient’s plan is the only support that can be used; therefore cannot be swapped with others.

Supports offered by the NDIS

If approved, NDIS can fund supports which are related to your disability and will be the most effective for the patient’s treatment. These supports have to represent value for money and will not include the daily living costs that are associated with the patient’s disability. Additionally, when assessing the patient’s condition, NDIS will also have to consider other formal and informal supports that are being received, which may include services under education and health, as well as supports that are given by caretakers, family members, and the community.

The participant is granted the freedom to control and choose the supports that will be integrated into their plan. The supports that can be covered by the NDIS may be regarding the following matters:

  • Household chores and home modifications to maintain the order and comfort of the patient’s home (This can include construction work and design);

  • Vehicular modifications and other equipment for mobility to assist in transportation and travelling;

  • Personal care activities, social groups, and community engagement activities;

  • Assisting in equipment set-up, assessment, and training to encourage the patient’s independence;

  • Receiving different types of therapeutic supports such as behaviour management, speech therapy, and occupational therapy; and

  • Assistance in employment matters, whether it is keeping a job or helping the patient find one. We also have a NDIS Psychologist.

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