NDIS Autism Assessment Newcastle

"We currently have no capacity in this area, however if you fill in our enquiry form you'll be added to our waiting list."

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a challenging developmental health condition that negatively impacts diagnosed individuals, making it hard to perform simple daily tasks and achieve their goals. An individual diagnosed with ASD exhibits difficulties in social relations, repetitive behaviours, and speech and verbal communication. Due to their disability, they become withdrawn and have decreased functional capacity, vital in performing daily activities. Thus, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) offers the NDIS Autism Assessment to the citizens and residents of Newcastle exhibiting ASD to improve the living conditions of the participants, their families, and carers.

The NDIS Autism Assessment is now available at Positive Moods by the citizens and residents of Newcastle, both old and new NDIS participants. This service can help new and existing NDIS participants collect vital information regarding their disability, which will serve as evidence to apply and verify eligibility for NDIS funding. Additionally, the NDIS Autism Assessment assists participants in the planning process to ensure granting of an adequate support plan that is in line with their needs, goals, and unique conditions. Thus, the NDIS Autism Assessment is beneficial to the citizens and residents of Newcastle, assisting them in having a convenient process to apply and obtain NDIS funding.

NDIS Autism Assessment

The Australian Government established the NDIS, aiming to provide support to eligible Australians with disability. However, applying for NDIS funding or availing specific support requires an individual to provide proof of their disability to verify their eligibility. The NDIS Autism Assessment can help the participants gather vital information about their functional capacity. Healthcare professionals will also use the collected data in the planning process to determine the types of therapy and support in line with the participant’s needs, goals, and unique conditions. On the other hand, the NDIS Autism Assessment will not take over the role of the participants existing medical therapist. But provide reliable and latest assessment reports about the participant's overall functional capacity.

Apart from that, the NDIS Autism Assessment can help determine the participant’s current skills, tasks they can execute independently, and which areas of their life require assistance and improvement. Thus, the NDIS Autism Assessment is beneficial to the citizens and residents of Newcastle, both old and new NDIS participants, which guarantees that the support plan is granted fair and in line with the participant's needs, goals, and unique conditions. Moreover, old NDIS participants with existing support can acquire the NDIS Autism Assessment to update their support plan if there are necessary changes in their life, including attending school or obtaining a new job.

Administering NDIS Autism Assessment

Although the NDIS aims to provide support to all Australians with disabilities, individuals with ASD are required to undergo several assessments, which can cost too much to gather vital information on their functional capacity and verify eligibility for funding. Thus, Positive Moods provide the NDIS Autism Assessment to the citizens and residents of Newcastle, whether old or new NDIS participants, accessible regardless of their financial condition, lasting around 1-4 hours per session.

Positive Moods also consider that participants with ASD will be unease to meet new people and develop anxiety during the assessment. The healthcare professionals in Positive Moods offer the NDIS Autism Assessment with convenience, allowing the participant, their families, or carers to administer the service based on their available time and several assessments ensuring efficient reports. The NDIS Autism Assessment is also administered based on the preferred location of participants, such as their home or other space they are at ease to receive the service.

Additionally, Positive Moods provides participants with highly experienced healthcare professionals to guide them in the assessment, including physiotherapists, psychologists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation counsellors, and social workers. Thus, the citizens and residents of Newcastle are encouraged to avail of the NDIS Autism Assessment at Positive Moods to work closely with licenced healthcare professionals to receive the utmost service and care.

During the assessment, healthcare professionals will utilise the National Guideline for Autism Assessment and Diagnosis. Healthcare professionals will also provide assessment reports and feedback that participants can use to prove their disability and ASD diagnosis. Once the participant is diagnosed with ASD, contact NDIS to send the assessment report and apply for a support plan. Afterwards, reach out to Positive Moods to start availing the therapy services in line with the participant's NDIS funding. Nonetheless, old NDIS participants can access the NDIS Autism Assessment if there are significant changes in their life to change or update the support plan.

Types of NDIS Autism Assessment

Individuals with ASD have varying needs, goals, and conditions. Thus, the NDIS Autism Assessment is given using different types of assessment designed based on the participant's age and functional capacity, including:

Diagnostic Assessment

The Diagnostic Assessment is the type of test used on participants ages 2-years old and above to determine if they have autism or not. This type of assessment is administered by healthcare professionals through the interview of the participant's family, performing clinical observation, evaluating the participant's functional capacity, provide a feedback session and summary report. A diagnostic letter is also given to the participants, consisting of diagnostic conclusion, ASD severity level, general recommendations, the medical and developmental history of the participants and their families.

Screening and Early Development Assessment

The Screening and Early Development Assessment is a test used on younger children ages 12 months to 2 years for parents worrying about their child's developmental progress. This type of assessment helps evaluate a child's overall functional capacity and identify if a child shows early signs of autism. This assessment involves healthcare professionals who will provide a parent checklist, clinical observation, developmental assessment, feedback session, a summary report, and a diagnostic letter.

Review Assessment

The Review Assessment is a test used for old NDIS participants, ages 4-years old and above, who are previously diagnosed with ASD. In this type of assessment, the healthcare professionals gather updated data on the participant's functional capacity and significant changes in their life, such as starting or graduating from school or obtaining a new job. In the Review Assessment, the participants can have an updated support plan to match their current needs, goals, and conditions. Also, the Cognitive Assessment is given for participants preparing to enter school.

NDIS Autism Eligibility

While the NDIS aims to help all Australians with a disability, there are eligibility criteria that participant needs to meet before being granted a support plan, including:

  • Living with permanent and significant disability

  • Ages 7 to 65 years old (ECEI for children below 7-years old)

  • Residents and Citizens of Australia

  • Holds a Permanent Visa or Protected Special Category Visa

Moreover, for participants applying for an NDIS ASD support plan, the assistance will differ based on their needs, goals, and conditions, which is determined using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5):

  • Level 1- Requires Support

  • Level 2- Requires Substantial Support

  • Level 3- Requires Very Substantial Support

If an individual is diagnosed with Level 2 or Level 3 Autism, the NDIS ASD support plan is automatically granted, and no further assessments are required. On the contrary, if an individual is diagnosed with Level 1 Autism, the participant should go through assessments to collect evidence of their disability and confirm eligibility for NDIS funding.