ADHD Diagnosis Brisbane

What is ADHD?

People who are manifesting the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) suffer from a set of behavioural symptoms such as difficulty paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviours, or being overly active. ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders that usually appears in childhood and can last into adulthood. Moreover, ADHD affects school-age children's behaviour and learning, especially ages between 6 to 12 years, and is more common in boys than girls. Since children with ADHD have behavioural issues, it can negatively impact their life, making it difficult to interact in school and at home.

ADHD symptoms and treatment Brisbane

Families may require professional assistance to determine the symptoms and severity of a child's ADHD. Adults will usually develop ADHD as a child, this is why it is important to recognise a neurodevelopmental disorder as soon as possible. Through the ADHD assessment, healthcare professionals can help determine the symptoms and possible causes triggering ADHD, as well as providing recommended ways to manage the symptoms.

To assess if your child has suspected ADHD, here are the following symptoms classified into 3 categories:


  • Difficulty focusing on details, unknowingly makes careless mistakes when doing schoolwork, or other activities

  • Difficulty to focus on a task or play activities

  • Cannot follow through with instructions and struggles in completing a task in school, work, or chores

  • Difficulty in organising tasks and activities

  • Does not seem to be listening

  • Avoids or dislikes performing tasks that need continuous mental effort

  • Forgetful of daily activities

  • Struggles to sit in place

  • Often does daydreaming


  • Usually fidgets with hands and feet, or squirm in their seat

  • Struggles to sit in place

  • Runs about or climbs unfitting places or scenarios

  • Difficulties to play quietly or when doing leisure activities

  • Always on the go

  • Excessive talking

  • Often restless and agitated


  • Answers questions without waiting for the complete questions

  • Difficulty in taking turns

  • Often interrupts other people’s conversation or intrudes a game

Other than the stated symptoms, the symptoms of ADHD also changes as a person get older, including:

  • Forgetfulness

  • Always late

  • Anxiety

  • Self-esteem problems

  • Difficulty in controlling anger

  • Substance abuse

  • Procrastination

  • Easily frustrated

  • Mood swings

  • Depression

  • Lacks concentration

  • Social relations problems

Types of ADHD

Based on the above symptoms, the healthcare professional administering the ADHD assessment can assess and identify the ADHD type of the Adult or child, including:

ADHD Combined Type. If a child has symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity for the last six months.

ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Type. If an Adult or child shows symptoms of inattention and does not include hyperactivity and impulsivity for the last six months.

ADHD Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type. If a person has the following symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity and does not include inattention for the last six months.

Causes of ADHD

The specific cause of ADHD has not been determined. However, the theory states that genetics plays a role in contributing to ADHD. If there is one family member that has a behavioural disorder, it can also be present in other family members. Other than genetics, the following factors can also cause ADHD:

  • Born prematurely

  • Low weight during birth

  • Mother taking drugs or alcohol during pregnancy

  • Injuries to the brain

  • Neurophysiology includes the difference in brain anatomy, metabolism, and electrical activity

  • Exposure to lead

  • Child lacking early attachment from parents or carer

  • Experiencing traumatic incidents at an early age can also contribute to inattention and hyperactivity

ADHD assessment

If your child has suspected ADHD or exhibiting the stated symptoms, it is advisable to first consult your General Practitioner (GP) and get a referral to a Paediatrician or a Child Psychiatrist to start with the assessment. During the administering of an ADHD assessment, healthcare professionals will use a standard way to assess the behaviour of a child with suspected ADHD through the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). A standardised rating scale will also be used to identify the classification of ADHD to have a thorough assessment.

Although ADHD professionals can help assess an individual's condition, there is no single test that can determine ADHD. It is important for the parents or carers of the child to fully cooperate and honestly state the child’s condition. In this way, healthcare professionals can better understand the child’s condition and gather a range of information beneficial in the proper diagnostic process.

Adult ADHD diagnosis in Brisbane

In Brisbane, the journey to diagnose adult ADHD is a blend of modern medical acumen and compassionate understanding, and nowhere is this more evident than at Positive Moods Psychology practice. Our assessments for adults are very thorough and will take some time to complete. Through extensive testing Positive Moods Psychologists can determine the extent of ADHD and its impact on the individual’s life and behaviour.

Behavioural disorder diagnosis

To help your healthcare professionals have a proper conclusion, here is the following information that you should provide:

  • Evident symptoms of ADHD that negatively affect most areas of the Adult or child’s life

  • History of the Person/child's behaviours

  • Any experienced trauma or illness

  • Adult/Child’s relationships and family

When the ADHD assessment is being administered, healthcare professionals will also assess the following factors:

The Severity of the Symptoms. To be diagnosed with ADHD, the symptoms of an individual must negatively impact their life such as difficulty in their social, educational, and occupational lives.

The Appearance of the Symptoms. Since the symptoms of ADHD start appearing as early as childhood, the practitioner will assess when and how early the symptoms appeared. For adults undergoing assessment, it is necessary to trace back when your symptoms appear in childhood.

Duration of Symptoms. When diagnosing ADHD, it is also necessary to determine how long the symptoms have appeared, and it should be going on for at least 6 months to be diagnosed with ADHD.

Areas Triggering the Symptoms. Individuals diagnosed with ADHD exhibit their symptoms in different settings such as home, school, and work.

Managing ADHD in Brisbane

Once a person has been diagnosed with ADHD, it is important to help them manage their condition. Since there is no cure for ADHD, the residents of Brisbane are encouraged to consult Positive Moods to acquire the ADHD assessment and get help to properly manage ADHD. The following ways can help with ADHD management, including:

  • Stimulant medication to reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity

  • Partaking in psychological interventions such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

  • Undergoing family counselling

  • Educational support

  • Parenting skills for parents and carers

  • Parents and carers learning techniques for stress management

  • Join a support group

We also do ADHD assessments in Adelaide

For more details, may call Positive Moods on 1300 001 470, email at, or fill in the contact form on

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