ADHD Diagnosis Perth

At Positive Moods in Perth, we are committed to helping individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) overcome the challenges that this condition presents. Our team of experienced and dedicated professionals provides comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services to help our patients improve their quality of life.

Parents with children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Perth WA, are obligated to support and manage their condition. Due to the restrictions caused by their medical condition, parents will also struggle to bring up their child without a professional's assistance. Furthermore, individuals undiagnosed with ADHD and not getting the necessary treatment will often isolate themselves for not understanding their medical condition. Thus, the citizens and residents of Perth are encouraged to acquire the ADHD Diagnosis from Positive Moods and other recommended services for ADHD.

Understanding ADHD

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects school-aged children 6 to 12 years. This condition has different symptoms based on the diagnosed ADHD type. In addition, studies state that ADHD is more evident in boys than girls, whereas boys often exhibit more symptoms, and girls with ADHD appear to be subtle symptoms. Since ADHD relates to differences in brain development and activity, individuals with ADHD will have difficulties controlling their behaviour and affect learning development.

Symptoms of ADHD

Through the ADHD Diagnosis that Positive Moods offers our psychology services to the residents of Perth., Our mental health professionals can help determine the symptoms of ADHD and provide a proper diagnosis of the condition.

This process is essential to know how to manage an individual's condition and acquire the services for ADHD.

To evaluate if a child is displaying symptoms of ADHD, here are the following symptoms to look for based on the three categories:


  • Has difficulties staying focused or concentrating on details

  • Often makes reckless mistakes when doing activities in school, work, or other chores

  • Lacks the ability to follow through with instructions

  • Struggles to complete tasks in school, work, or other activities

  • Often absentminded and not listening even if spoken directly

  • Has difficulties organising activities and tasks

  • Gets easily distracted

  • Dislikes or avoid doing activities and tasks requiring sustained mental effort

  • Often loses or misplaces important things needed for tasks and activities

  • Tends to forget tasks and activities

  • Tends to daydream


  • Frequently fidgets with their hands and feet

  • Squirms in their seat

  • Struggles to sit in place

  • Runs or climbs on inappropriate areas or situations

  • Has difficulties playing quietly or joining leisure activities

  • Always on the move

  • Talks excessively

  • Easily gets agitated and is often restless


  • Abruptly blurts out an answer without knowing the complete question

  • Has difficulties waiting for their turn

  • Often interrupts other people’s conversations or activities

The symptoms above are often displayed by children with ADHD and often disturbing. Nonetheless, the symptoms of ADHD develop and differ in older people as they get older. Meaning, their ADHD diagnosis when they were younger can change as they age. Moreover, there are more evident symptoms to watch out for older people to consider an ADHD Diagnosis, including:

  • Forgetfulness

  • Tardiness

  • Anxiety

  • Self-esteem issues

  • Inability to control anger

  • Substance abuse

  • Easily gets frustrated

  • Mood swings

  • Depression

  • Inability to concentrate

  • Difficulty relating to others

Types of ADHD Perth

As stated on the DSM-5 criteria, there are three types of ADHD depending on the displayed symptoms. The listed symptoms above are the basis that the mental health professionals of Positive Moods will use to assess and provide an ADHD diagnosis. The following are the types of ADHD:

  • ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Type. To have this type of diagnosis, a child should display the symptoms of inattention for at least 6 months and should not have any symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity.

  • ADHD Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type. To have this type of diagnosis, a child should display the symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity for at least 6 months and should not have any symptoms of inattention.

  • ADHD Combined Type. To have this type of diagnosis, a child should display the following symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity for at least 6 months.

Causes of ADHD

ADHD was first described in 1798 by Scottish physician Dr. Alexander Crichton [1]. Despite ongoing research, a definitive cause of ADHD has not been identified. However, current theories suggest that genetics may play a significant role in the development of the disorder [2].

Other factors may also contribute to ADHD testing Perth:

  • Children born prematurely

  • Underweight at birth

  • Pregnant mother taking alcohol or drugs

  • Brain injury

  • Neurophysiology

  • Lead exposure

  • Children lacking parental attachment

  • Children who experienced any traumatic events

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the symptoms of ADHD?

A: Symptoms of ADHD include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Q: Can adults have ADHD?

A: Yes, adults can have ADHD. It is not just a childhood disorder.

Q: What are the treatment options for ADHD?

A: Treatment options for ADHD include psychotherapy, behavioural interventions, medication, or a combination of these approaches.

Q: How long does an ADHD assessment take?

A: An ADHD assessment typically takes several hours to complete.

Q: How can I schedule an appointment with Positive Moods?

A: You can contact us at 1300 001 470 or visit our website to learn more about our services and schedule an appointment.

Diagnosing ADHD

For parents who are suspecting their child to have ADHD, it is advised to talk to their general physician (GP) and acquire a referral to a child psychologist or paediatrician to undergo ADHD Diagnosis. Mental health professionals will use the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) to assess individuals with suspected ADHD. Additionally, it will involve a standard rating scale to identify the type of ADHD individual has. Mental health professionals will also require the participants to take physical examinations like vision screening, hearing screening, and electroencephalogram (EEG).

Most importantly, anyone who wishes to undergo an ADHD Diagnosis should bring their complete medical history to help experts understand their condition and other factors contributing to their disturbing behaviours. Since there is no single test to determine ADHD, participants are highly encouraged to be honest during the assessment.

To help with an accurate diagnosis, participants should provide the following vital information:

  • Obvious symptoms of ADHD that negatively impacts great areas of the child’s life

  • History of behaviours

  • Any trauma or illness

  • Child’s relationship and family

Other than the list above, mental health professionals will also assess the following factors:

  • The Severity of the Symptoms. To be diagnosed with ADHD, the symptoms of individuals should have negative effects on their life. Those who are diagnosed with ADHD are facing difficulties in their careers, finances, or fulfilling family responsibilities.

  • The Timeline of the Symptoms. During the diagnosis, participants also need to tell how early the symptoms appeared. For adults, it is important to recall when the symptoms started appearing.

  • Duration of Symptoms. Recalling the appearance of the symptoms is important to determine how long the participant displays the symptoms. ADHD Diagnosis can only be ascertained if the participants have the symptoms for at least 6 months.

  • Areas Triggering the Symptoms. To be diagnosed with ADHD, an individual should display the symptoms in different settings including home, school, or work. However, if the symptoms only appear in a specific setting, ADHD may not be the cause.

ADHD Management

Individuals diagnosed with ADHD may suffer throughout their life, for there is no cure for this condition. However, getting an ADHD diagnosis can benefit the citizens and residents of Perth to help in managing the symptoms. By doing so, an individual can acquire stimulant medication for ADHD, psychotherapies, counselling sessions, and educational support.

For more details, may call Positive Moods Perth on 1300 001 470, email at, or fill in the contact form on We also do ADHD Testing Sydney

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