ADHD Diagnosis Mackay

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Every individual's survival is not only influenced by physiological needs but also emotional and mental needs. People experience many things in life and develop into individuals that are unique with diverse backgrounds. Their thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours determine who they are and what kind of person they will become.

People are no stranger to unusual behavioural problems and outbursts. Children are prone to shouting and hyperactivity that requires attentive observation to ensure the success of discipline and control mechanisms. Some children have tendencies to daydream or lose interest in daily activities, which may also cause disturbance to their growth as human beings.

Once a person reaches adulthood, some behavioural issues are already managed and controlled. However, there will be some who will find themselves still experiencing difficulties with their behaviours. These people have a high chance of being diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Their condition makes their lives and social interaction more difficult to handle.

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common brain-based disorder. It interferes with a person’s daily life and the way they interact with the people around them.

In the past, attention deficit disorder (ADD) was separate from ADHD. ADD was traditionally referred to as people with inattentive symptoms of attention deficit like difficulty in focusing. On the other hand, ADHD usually refers to hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

Today, the two terms are synonymous with each other. ADHD became the official medical term for all forms of attention deficit disorder in 1994.

People diagnosed with the disorder exhibit problems and trouble with attention and focus. It deals with varying behaviours ranging from throwing fits to ignoring everything around them that diagnosis for each person is difficult.

Causes of ADHD

ADHD is a disorder with no exact cause. However, there are factors that people have theorised to be responsible as to why certain people have the behavioural problem: genetics, brain function, and brain structure.

People commonly inherit the condition from their parents and research shows how parents and siblings with ADHD are more likely to be diagnosed to have one. This makes the condition genetically inherited or be influenced by a person's brain structure. People with an imbalanced level of neurotransmitters in the brain are highly presumed to have ADHD.

Specific groups at risk with ADHD include the following: those born prematurely or with low birth weight, those with epilepsy, and those with severe brain damage.

Signs and Symptoms

There are various signs to look for to determine if someone has ADHD or not. People categorise the symptoms into three groups such as inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.

In the inattention-based symptoms, people are prone to disorganisation and daydreaming. They lack the attention and focus necessary to finish the work given to them. People with inattention tend to daze off and look blankly in one direction, not caring about their surroundings. They have trouble keeping track of information and often make careless mistakes.


People with ADHD also display impulsiveness in their reactions and actions. They make decisions on the spur of moments without proper and critical thinking at times. They act quickly to get rewards that may or may not be what they need. They tend to also not wait on anyone, ignoring beneficial advice from parents and caretakers.

Hyperactivity is a sign of ADHD in which people have lots of energy for constant movements. They have trouble staying put, exhibiting nervous and anxious tics like fidgeting, tapping, and squirming.

ADHD at Mackay

Mackay, a city on the eastern coast of Queensland, Australia, is no stranger to health, mental and behavioural issues. The citizens experience their daily lives through all the difficulties and problems. Since their childhood, Mackay residents have had close social relationships. They have known each other since the moment one lives within the community.

When people's unusual behaviours like ADHD become evident, life becomes more complicated and challenging. ADHD increases the chance of people developing low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Interaction with other people becomes troubling in the face of uncertainty in behavioural responses a person with ADHD will do.

Parents and caretakers will also find it exhausting to care for children with ADHD. Understanding the ADHD in their children is one thing but disciplining them is a whole different scenario. Controlling and handling ADHD cases have special needs and specialists that require professional supports.

Success and development are hindered by having ADHD, and its symptoms are unpredictable and persistent. Mackay citizens should heed the importance of having ADHD diagnosis at a young age to handle the condition.

ADHD Diagnosis Mackay

Positive Moods is a provider of approved mental health services that seek to handle and treat health issues with Australians, especially children. The organisation offers its services throughout Australia. Mackay citizens are assured that Positives Moods will provide the safest and best treatments for any health problem encountered and developed, especially ADHD in children.

There is no definite cure for ADHD, but early diagnosis helps in controlling the condition. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) 5 allows comparing the behaviour of individuals suspected with ADHD and other people of their age. Physical exams are also conducted to confirm ADHD diagnosis.

Mackay residents are encouraged to diagnose potential children with ADHD as early as the symptoms show up. ADHD is one of the most common childhood in Australia. At the age of 4 years old or lower, symptoms will begin to be noticeable. Intervention is only possible if the residents themselves take an active stand in determining ADHD cases.

Treatment to ADHD

As mentioned before, there is no exact cure. A combination of behaviour therapy and medication in most cases may be the best approach. Parents have to discipline and train their children to behave and control themselves before medication.

Good treatment requires close monitoring, follow-ups, and making changes along the way. They also need to consult professionals for proper diagnosis and intervention.

People with ADHD should understand the importance of staying healthy. Healthy lifestyle assists in more controllable dealings with ADHD symptoms.

For more details, may call Positive Moods on 1300 001 470, email at, or fill in the contact form on

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